
Exercises Provided

Back Classes

By improving the stability around the trunk it provides a stronger more stable base from which the limbs can move

Breathing Exercises

The gold standard physiotherapy treatment for most respiratory conditions is now to teach the patient the ACBT.

Core Strengthening

There are 2 types of muscles. Deep muscles should be targeted first before targeting the superficial core muscles.

Stability Ball Exercises

The use of a stability or exercise ball is an excellent way of improving core muscle strength.

Strength and Conditioning

Highly complex and fascinating structures that allow us score that winning point for the local club or win a gold in the olympics on rings.


“To stretch or not?” that is the question. There are many different types of stretching and over the years there have been different trends regarding stretching.

Warm Up Routine

Any warm up routine should be appropriate to your sport. It should begin with 5-10 minutes aerobic exercise to get the blood flowing and increase body temperature.

Winter Training

When the summer sporting season is over do you think “that’s great, I’ll take a break”, or do you look for something else to occupy your time?