What is Manual Lymphatic Drainage?

Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) is used primarily to promote the optimal functioning of the lymphatic vessels that lead to the circulatory system. MLD techniques facilitate the removal of fluid, toxins, and metabolic wastes etc.

What is MLD used for?

  • Pre/Post Operative cases
  • Post Cancer especially where the lymphatic system is impaired in some way.
  • Post cosmetic surgery
  • Stress, anxiety, and tension
  • Glandular fever, MR (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome)
  • Migraine
  • Sinus and Congestion problems
  • Hay fever and other allergies
  • It is also recommended for people who lead sedentary lifestyles or those who want to reduce puffiness or swelling in areas such as legs, ankles, and puffy eyes
  • Acne, Rosacea, and other skin conditions, including scarring from surgery
  • Dysfunctional respiratory systems
  • People with low energy
  • Before and after a long-haul flight

Is it the same as massage?

Manual Lymphatic Drainage is not a massage technique. It is a drainage technique which is extremely gentle but effective and relaxing. Many patients fall asleep or go into a highly relaxed state due to the slow, gentle rhythmic motions involved. These techniques stimulate the movement of lymph through the lymph vessels.

Contraindications to MLD

  • Acute infectious disease
  • Early onset of inflammatory disease and fever
  • Active cancer patients or an undiagnosed lump
  • Malignant melanomas
  • Serious circulatory problems such as thrombosis (blood clot)
  • Major heart problems
  • First six weeks of pregnancy
  • During menstruation

Please inform your Physiotherapist if you have any of the above-mentioned conditions at 056775228.

It is advisable to seek a GP consultation/ referral and take suggested precautions in the following conditions:

  • Diabetes
  • Low blood pressure
  • Active Thyroid issue (inform the therapist so he/ she can avoid the Thyroid area during treatment)
  • Kidney problems
  • Bronchial asthma
  • Post spleen removal
  • Breast implants
  • Organ transplants
  • Joint replacements

Aftercare Advice:

To ensure that you gain maximum benefit, we recommend that you:

  • Loosen tight clothing
  • Increase water intake- your body will be in a state of high toxicity for a few days after the treatment
  • Reduce your caffeine intake (coffee, tea, colas). Take low sodium diet (less salt)
  • Avoid hot baths, saunas etc for a couple of hours
  • Avoid alcohol for 24 hours
  • Try to cut down on smoking
  • Make time to rest and relax- this allows the blood pressure to return to normal if it has dropped during a treatment.
  • Regular (but not too strenuous) exercise helps to promote healthy lymph flow.
  • Deep diaphragmatic breathing around 10-15 minutes a day with legs elevated is beneficial to promote the flow.

Occasionally, you may experience reactions when the body begins its self-healing process and elimination of toxins.

These reactions may include:

  • Frequent visits to the toilet
  • Runny nose and/or cough
  • Slight rash
  • Perspiration (increased sweating) – another way that the body can excrete waste
  • Conditions which have been suppressed may flare up temporarily before they heal
  • Deep sleep or difficulty sleeping and vivid dreams

These reactions are only temporary and should clear within 24-48 hours. They are positive signals that your body has responded to the treatment and is balancing itself.

Meet our physiotherapists who provide Manual Lymphatic Drainage.

Jacqueline Scanlon physiotherapist

Jacqueline Scanlon


Afeefa Ashraf

Afeefa Ashraf

Chartered Physiotherapist, Pilates Instructor & Manual Lymphatic Drainage Therapist