Physiotherapist lead Exercise classes for children
When a child presents in our clinic for whatever reason, be it an injury, growing pains, a funny run etc., we do a full biomechanical assessment to determine the true cause of the complaint.
The child will almost always be given exercises to do at home. Compliance is sometimes a problem. Hence was born our Children’s Core Agility & Speed Class, a place where the children can come and do their exercises while having fun.
What is a Core Agility & Speed Class?
The class is supervised by a qualified Physiotherapist or Athletic Therapist and is fun and educational.
Each class incorporates many fundamental elements of movement – Agility, Strength, Coordination, Balance and Speed.
The children are shown how to perform specific skills through targeted exercises and then these skills are incorporated in a game or challenge for the children. Obviously the more competitive the better, in most cases.
Who can attend the Core classes
While the classes were originally designed to assist children who were attending our clinic, they have now become a great resource for all children.
The classes are divided into 5 – 8 year olds, and 9 – 12 year olds, and the exercises and games are adjusted accordingly.
We also run a Sports Pilates / Speed class for the older age group 12 – 16year olds. This class is ideally suited to sporting individuals.
What is the benefit of the class?
The physical activity a child engages in now, compared to years ago has changed considerably. The older generations will remember rolling down hills, climbing trees, swimming in the river, disappearing for hours over the hills, walking the roads, cycling with friends and generally playing around.
Now our children get most of their exercise at organised training sessions, which they travel to in cars, for specific sports, performing repetitive drills on an ongoing basis.
As a result children frequently strengthen specific muscle groups which become over developed while neglecting others which then become weaker. Often they do not develop good deep core muscles.
When the child reaches their teenage years, many are subject to varying degrees of strength and conditioning exercises in their local sports club. This is often carried out by non qualified, although well meaning volunteers.
As a result, they often strengthen their outer core muscles, and doing this on an inadequate basis of deep core strength can result in injury, particularly to the back.
The purpose of our classes is to make the child aware of their deep core, and try to build up strength in it which will help them to develop physically as healthy individuals as well as performing better as athletes.
For children who may be a little clumsy or incoordinated we address agility, coordination, flexibility and balance.
The speed element of the class was only added in more recent years. In this we focus on running technique and strengthening the muscles needed for propulsion and speed.
For information on class times or to book the class, contact us by email
Funny Run in Children
Frequently parents arrive in our clinic with a child – they know something is not right, but they cant put their finger on it. These classes are ideally suited for kids with ‘a funny run‘ as the parent often reports.